While there are many companies that provide travel risk management services, the CAP™ membership combines travel planning, tracking and physical response, standing out as one of the only travel risk management programs designed to assist companies in avoiding any liability caused by duty of care noncompliance.

  • 24/7 Crisis Response Centers staffed with dedicated crisis consultants who provide advice and coordinate immediate worldwide assistance
  • Global response teams dispersed locally in over 125 countries capable of rescuing and evacuating travelers and their family members back to their home of residence from high-risk and remote locations
  • On demand access to the CAP™ Travel Risk Portal before and during a trip for all short-term and annual memberships
  • Low cost membership programs with no additional fees or hidden cost in the fine print
  • Even without a government declared state of emergency, CAP™’s security and evacuation teams are deployed at no additional costs to the member